
with Chabad Young Professionals

A CYP Pesach in South Africa

Friday, April 11 - Monday, April 21, 2025

The Details

  • We are participating as part of a larger Pesach program for the local South African community and international guests, led by the Kievmans
  • Our sub-group is for young Jews ages 21-38, led by Rabbi Yaya and Devora Wilhelm
  • Our base is the Resort Hunters Rest Rustenburg with optional trips on the 'Chol Hamoed' days of Pesach
  • Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime Pesach in a uniquely beautiful location, while bonding and connecting in a way that can only happen on a magical trip like this.

The Dates

Program Dates: Friday, April 11 - Monday, April 21, 2025

If arrive Thursday, April 10, your options are:

  • Early check-in
  • Stay over in Johannesburg and travel to the hotel on Friday

The price is $2800 per person, based on double occupancy for the 10 nights of the retreat.

There is the possibility of a reduced rate with the arrangement of sleeping on a rollaway bed.


This includes accommodations, food, and all programming at the resort.

This does not include flights, transportation, spa, trips, hotel incidentals, and gratuities.


Hotel and Resort

The program is taking place at

Resort Hunters Rest Rustenburg / Address: R24 Rustenburg/Krugersdorp Road, Rustenburg, 0300, South Africa, located 2 hours from Johannesburg.

There are dozens of on-sight amenities, including pools, spa, hiking, biking, sports, gym, golf course, sprawling gardens and breathtaking views.

The program is full to the brim with classes and entertainment, etc.

The Pesach Retreat is under strict Kashrus supervision of the South African Beth Din. The standards are non-gebroks and non-kitniyos. Shmura Matza, Chalav Yisrael, Mehadrin Glatt Shechita.


  • Register with Batya / WhatsApp: +27728017491 / email
  • You must mention that you are part of the Chabad Young Professionals UES / Wilhelm group

(If you have any questions from the Chabad YP end, email or call Rabbi Wilhelm 347.451.4375)


Each participant books their own flight 

If you want to work with a travel agent, we are working with Chaim Leiter of Icarus Travel


Chol Hamoed days are the perfect opportunity for travel to nearby attractions. Dozens of world-class tourist sites, including safari options, are within close proximity, such as Pilanesberg Safari Game Reserve, Sun City complex, Hot air balloons, and so much more.

Our group will be arranging trips we can do together.